
Registration: Please fill in the registration form (either print or online form) completely. You may mail in the registration form and the check to our church, drop it off to our mailbox, or bring in on Sunday between 9:30 and 2:00. Please don’t mail in cash or drop off cash in the mailbox. Once we get the payment, the registration will be completed and your spot is secured.

報名登記: 請填寫報名表(下載列印或網上表格)。你可以郵寄報名表及支票到教會,或投入教會門外的郵箱,也可以在星期日9:30am-2pm 來教會交費。請勿郵寄現金,或放現金入郵箱。我們收到報名費後,報名程序便告完成。

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Consents 同意書: (Please click on your choice, 請點擊你的撰擇)
cont. Consents 同意書: (Please click on your choice, 請點擊你的撰擇)